Survey of Higher Education and Archive partnerships

History UK is working in partnership with The National Archives to revise and update the 2015 ‘Guide to collaboration between archive and Higher Education sectors’. The updated guidance will inform partnership working between archives and higher education institutions, both in terms of research (the original document was compiled in context of REF 2014) and teaching (the new document will include significant updates in relation to TEF). 
Paddy McNulty Associates are undertaking the review and would like to have your feedback and comments through this survey:
The survey has been designed to:
  1. Identify the reach and depth of collaborations between archive services and the Higher Education sector.
  2. Identify the challenges and opportunities which arise when developing and sustaining collaborations. 
Also, for those who have used the 2015 collaboration guidance, there is an opportunity within the survey to comment on that guidance.
We are very keen to gather as wide a range of responses as possible, so that a thorough picture of archive sector and Higher Education sector collaborative practice can be developed.  The survey responses will help to update the collaborative guidance, and provide The National Archives and History UK with a greater understanding of the relationship between the archive and the Higher Education sectors. 
We would be very grateful if colleagues who use archives (both in their research and in teaching) would complete this survey, as well as circulating it more widely via social media and other channels.
The survey is open until the 19th March and should take around 20 minutes to complete.  If you have any questions please contact either Heather Shore or Jamie Wood.
Heather Shore (History UK Co-Convenor,
Jamie Wood (History UK Media Officer,
NOTE: the survey is hosted via Smart Survey, which uses UK based servers.